September 20, 2024
Municipal Information Network

Crossing Safely: Strategies for Pedestrian Safety

Intact Public Entities
Virtual Event, Ontario, Canada
Start Date:
June 4, 2024
End Date:
June 4, 2024
This session will focus on pedestrian crossings at intersections and mid-block crossings. According to the World Health Organization “More than one-fifth of the people killed on the world’s roads each year are not travelling in a car, on a motorcycle or even on a bicycle – they are pedestrians. Pedestrian deaths and injuries are often preventable, and proven interventions exist, yet in many locations pedestrian safety does not attract the attention it merits." Join IPE’s Road Specialist, Brian Anderson, to learn more about:

  • The issues faced by pedestrians when crossing a road.
  • Effective countermeasures that have been proven.
  • The process of implementing these countermeasures.

Event Details:
Date: Tuesday, June 4th
Time: 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm ET
Register Now

Meet Brian Anderson, Road Specialist, Intact Public Entities

Intact Public Entities assists client municipalities with their road safety issues, supported by Brian’s experience building, maintaining, and managing municipal infrastructure. Prior to joining Intact Public Entities, Brian worked for both urban and rural municipalities as well as the Ministry of Transportation and the Ontario Good Roads Association.

Brian is a road safety audit team leader, has authored numerous papers and guidelines for municipal infrastructure management and has trained municipal staff across the province on topics that include asset management principles, minimum maintenance standards and road safety. Brian’s background in road construction and maintenance plus his work on road safety qualifies him as IPE’s go to person for roads.

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