March 28, 2025
Municipal Information Network


I have forgotten my password.
Click on the following link : Forgot my password

I am asked to enter my password to view every article.
You must be certain that your navigator accepts cookies.
Click on : Help with cookies!

My organization is a member and I have subscribed but the confirmation email mentioned a free trial.
Please make sure to use your organization's email. Ex :

How many free trial periods can be granted ?
1 free trial period per 12 months.

Can I have access to the site from my computer at home ?
You can access the site from any workstation using the email of your organization and your password.

I have a new employer and would like to verify if it is a member.
Select the Subscription tab > Information > I would like to verify if my organization is a member

I have a new employer, should I modify my previous email or create a new account ?
You must create a new account. Use your email with the domain of your new organization. You can use the same password.

Can I transfer a press release to a non-member ?
Yes. The recipient does not have to be a member to have access to the news you send to them.

I would like to publish a job offer or an event but my organization is not a member.
Non-members can still post jobs or events for a fee. Mouse over the headings Jobs or Events on the black bar at the top of the website, click on the link named Add or modify, and follow the procedures

How many job and/or event postings are included with the subscription ?
When your organization is a member you can post an unlimited amount of jobs and / or events.

How many users are included with an organization's subscription ?
Unlimited number of users within the organization.

Can I have an account and have access to the news but NOT receive the newsletter ?
Yes. Once your account is created, access your Private Zone and click on Modify your profile

My account is active but my password is not accepted.
Please make sure you have entered your password correctly or click on "Forgot my password" and you will be sent a link to reset your password by email.

The newsletter always ends up in my « Junk » mail.
You must add the sender to the Safe Senders list. To do this, find the newsletter in your junk mail folder. Place your cursor over the email and right-click on it. A menu will open. Select the option « Add sender to Safe Senders list ».

How can I modify my password ?
Access your Private Zone and click on Modify your profile

I would like to stop receiving the newsletter for a temporary period.
Access your Private Zone and click on Modify your profile

I would like to stop receiving the newsletter permanently.
Access your Private Zone and click on Modify your profile

I want to change the format of my newsletter (HTML or Text)
Access your Private Zone and click on Modify your profile

Can I have access to the news via the RSS Flux ?
Yes by clicking on the RSS Flux logo at the bottom of the page.