July 17, 2024
Municipal Information Network

CUR's Response to Durham Region's 30-Year Recommended Housing Needs Forecast by Dwelling Type

November 16, 2021

CUR's senior researchers provided feedback on the Durham Region's housing needs forecast for 2021 to 2051, a key input into the Region's land needs assessment. We are sharing our submission with you. 

We have two criticisms of the staff-recommended housing needs forecast by type of dwelling:

  • While the 2021-2051 household growth forecast out to 2051 is identical to that produced by Hemson Consulting, total housing needs are understated by approximately 10%. In our view, total housing needs should be 240,000 households over the 30 years to account for past housing shortages, rather than the staff-recommended 219,630; and
  • The forecast significantly overstates the need for high-density housing and understates the need for low-density housing. As a result, the Region will need more designated greenfield land than the staff forecast predicts.

Deliberately over-planning for high-density housing at the expense of low-density housing will make it impossible for the Region to achieve its 2051 population target and exacerbate the Region's growing housing affordability problem.

Read our full submission here

For more information

Centre for Urban Research and Land Development
350 Victoria Street
Toronto Ontario
Canada M5B 2K3

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