March 27, 2025
Municipal Information Network

From the Editor's Desk

by Gord Hume

Budget debates are in full swing across the country as municipalities of all sizes wrestle with their operating and capital needs for the upcoming year (or years, in the case of a multi-year budget process).

At the same time, many towns and cities are also contemplating a new Strategic Plan—particularly those local governments that were elected last fall. Combined, these actions should set a clear path for the next few years for municipalities.

Both of these events identify local needs and issues, opportunities and challenges, and paths forward. Newly-minted councillors and mayors bring their ideas and enthusiasm to these processes, which can make for fresh and lively discussions.

In keeping with these two important local government functions, this edition of PERSPECTIVES offers thoughtful commentary on a number of issues that touch city halls.

Caledon Mayor Alan Thompson is a veteran local politician, and his candid views of local government and the challenges it faces are an important thought-starter for locally elected officials.

London City Clerk Cathy Saunders conducted Canada’s first “Preferred Ballot” election last October. (I note that an historian from Saskatoon chastised me for proclaiming that in my last column... Saskatoon had a sort of preferred ballot election in 1924 but didn’t retain the concept). As there is growing interest across Canada in a Preferred Ballot-type of election, this article will be of particular interest. Also, Bev Buckway offers her thoughts on the recent Yukon elections.

Veteran journalist Pat Moauro has authored an exclusive piece for this e-magazine about issues for seniors—a growing concern for municipalities of all sizes. In addition, we’ve presented a side-bar from the Canadian Association of Retired Persons (CARP) on housing for seniors, and how municipalities can work better with this growing segment of our society.

In addition, we’ve got interesting articles on the asbestos situation in British Columbia, and a very provocative commentary on Leadership from our colleague Mark Funkhouser in Washington, DC.

Enjoy this edition of PERSPECTIVES.

And let us remind you that we welcome ideas for commentary, reports on interesting new initiatives from your municipality, or OP ED pieces on anything from government relations to new policies and procedures for municipalities. By sharing ideas and initiatives, all Canadian municipalities can be strengthened.

Contact us anytime at:


Gord Hume
Gord Hume is recognized as one of Canada's leading voices on municipal government and is an articulate and thoughtful commentator on civic government and community issues. He is a very popular public speaker, an advisor to municipal governments, and a respected and provocative author.

Gord was elected to London City Council four times. He has had a distinguished career in Canadian business, managing radio stations and as Publisher of a newspaper. Gord received two “Broadcaster of the Year' awards. He is now President of Hume Communications Inc., a professional independent advisor to municipalities.