March 27, 2025
Municipal Information Network

From the Editor's Desk

by Gord Hume

This is an eclectic issue of PERSPECTIVES this month that we hope you will find enjoyable and a little provocative.

We’ve carefully curated several interesting articles and original commentary into this edition.

The treatment of persons with a disability is one of the critical areas for municipal government, and the federal government has just introduced the new Accessible Canada Act. Parliamentary Secretary Kate Young has written an exclusive article for PERSPECTIVES on this important new initiative that will impact local governments across the country. You need to understand this bill.

Other interesting articles this month include a US report on philanthropy and cities. Philanthropic efforts in Canada have generally focused on health, medical research, education and certain community or cultural venues. Those are all noble and deserving. However, one of the big differences between Canadian and American cities is the major contributions by philanthropists to specific local issues and opportunities in US cities.

Examples would be how foundations and individuals came forward after Detroit’s bankruptcy to make big contributions to rejuvenating that city; large private donations to Dallas to remake their thriving arts and cultural centres and the downtown; and any number of other examples of the private sector stepping forward to invest in blighted neighbourhoods or to spark community or downtown regeneration projects, as is happening these days in Tampa.

This is an area that Canadian municipalities should be encouraging, and the article we present on philanthropy will intrigue you.

So will the article on cities that depend too much on fines and fees, and the story about a ‘pop-up’ highway.

With the latest round of municipal elections in several provinces just finished, winners are being sworn-in to their important new positions. But what about those people who ran and didn’t make it? PERSPECTIVES asked Angela Gravelle, a first-time candidate for Deputy Mayor in Innisfil, Ontario, to write about her experiences and feelings about her campaign. It is a deeply personal and thoughtful article.

Finally, this marks the end of the first year of PERSPECTIVES. We want to thank all of our readers for your interest, comments and reaction. The e-magazine has proven to be very popular, and in the year ahead we will continue to bring you interesting articles and unique commentary about issues of importance to Canadian municipal leaders.

We invite you to contact us at anytime with comments or suggestions or your own article about your municipality or issues you’re facing. Just email us at:

Putting the magazine together requires a lot of work from several people, and as Editor I am only the ringmaster (or ring leader!). I want to acknowledge the extraordinary work of my colleague Tarah McCormick who is the creative light whose skills and dedication put together each magazine for you.

From all of us at PERSPECTIVES, we wish you a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah and a fabulous 2019.


Gord Hume
Gord Hume is recognized as one of Canada's leading voices on municipal government and is an articulate and thoughtful commentator on civic government and community issues. He is a very popular public speaker, an advisor to municipal governments, and a respected and provocative author.

Gord was elected to London City Council four times. He has had a distinguished career in Canadian business, managing radio stations and as Publisher of a newspaper. Gord received two “Broadcaster of the Year' awards. He is now President of Hume Communications Inc., a professional independent advisor to municipalities.