September 26, 2024
Municipal Information Network

Free Webinar: Scaling Finance Operations for Efficiency, Cost Management and Compliance

MFOA - Municipal Finance Officers' Association
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Start Date:
November 14, 2024
End Date:
November 14, 2024
Visit our website for more information and to register

Maintaining a scalable framework requires financial leaders to continuously update processes, adjust materiality levels, and meet evolving regulatory requirements, all while dealing with a deluge of information streaming into the organization from all directions.

For municipal finance leaders, scaling and streamlining operations is especially critical as local governments face resource and budget constraints while protecting against constant security threats.

Hear from Steve Masters, Digital Transformation Leader at Vista Credit, as he discusses challenges in meeting regulatory and operational demands and demonstrates how simplifying systems and infrastructure, implementing process automation, and building cross-departmental integrations has enabled Vista to scale their financial operations to contribute to overall business stability.

Ricoh Information Governance Manager Richard Freeman will introduce essential procedural considerations for supporting your municipality’s financial strategy, operational efficiency, and cost management priorities, supported with an overview of municipal trends and insights from Ryan Beckwith, National Manager of Ricoh Managed Services.

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