June 30, 2024
Municipal Information Network

Building Employee Capacity with AccessE11 - Township of Georgian Bluffs Case Study

Ontario Municipal Leadership Institute (OMLI)
ONLINE, Ontario, Canada
Start Date:
April 25, 2023
End Date:
April 25, 2023
Carly Craig, Acting Clerk from the Township of Georgian Bluffs, joins OMLI and AccessE11 to share her insights about corporate-wide use of AccessE11, to develop employee capacity leading to operational efficiencies, streamlined processes and enhanced customer service with AccessE11’s citizen issues and management software.

Located in southwestern Ontario, Georgian Bluffs is a township that serves a population of approximately 10,000 residents from various communities. To cater to the needs of these diverse communities, the municipality relies on the efficiency and effectiveness of its staff.

In this case study Carly will discuss how corporate-wide implementation of AccessE11 to over 100+ employees has enabled every department throughout the organization to better manage and respond to citizen issues. With AccessE11 the Township has also improved and are providing better quality of customer service to residents.

Georgian Bluffs is developing a culture of employee empowerment that supports a broader understanding of citizen requests, as well as encourages information sharing which includes regular reporting to council and administrative for tracking of citizen complaints and issues.

Additional information

For more information please contact info@omli.ca or visit omli.ca

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