July 1, 2024
Municipal Information Network

Cyber Security: How Hackers Hack

Intact Public Entities
Cambridge, Ontario, Canada
Start Date:
October 4, 2022
End Date:
October 4, 2022
Cyber security is not a one-size-fits-all approach, but everyone needs to ensure they are protected against and prepared for a cyber attack. Learn about the latest trends in cyber security in this informative webinar. 

Last year, over 700 million ransomware attacks occurred. This year is shaping up to be even worse. As these attacks are getting more frequent, they are also getting more complex: they include data infiltration, extortion, as well as the traditional “system shutdown.”

Receiving up-to-date, cutting-edge, training and information to protect your entity, your staff, and your community is more important than ever.

Join us alongside cyber-breach expert, Frank Fazio of CySat Security for this on-line session that will provide insight on the techniques hackers are using, and more importantly, what you can do to prevent a system breach. As a regular IPE guest educator, Frank provides excellent advice and guidance that is relevant and makes sense for you and your staff. Recently returned from the 2022 DEF CON Hacker Conference, Frank will share all-new stories and examples of how hackers are compromising systems by hacking QR codes, PayPal, Wi-Fi, password managers and more. Frank’s knowledge and expertise will help you learn to halt hackers in their tracks!

Target Audience:
This webinar is a must-see for absolutely everyone!

Event Details: 
Date: Tuesday, October 4th, 2022
Time: 12:00 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. ET.
Register Now

Meet Frank Fazio
Frank Fazio is the founder of CySAT Security Inc. and has had the privilege of training public sector employees, executives, and members of law enforcement. He has a degree in Computer Science, is certified in Incident Response & Advanced Forensics and has been published in Municipal World magazine and IT World Canada. He has spoken at conferences in New York, Michigan, Ottawa, and PEI, where he was interviewed by CBC news. Over the last 30 years, Frank has held positions in computer programming, database administration, cybersecurity and competes regularly in global hacker competitions.

If you have any questions regarding this webinar, please email marina.cosentino@intactpublicentities.ca.

Smarter Security. Stronger Communities. | Commissionaires