July 2, 2024
Municipal Information Network

Hiring crunch - or opportunity? Trends that are shaping the labour market for Ontario's environment and cleantech companies

Ontario Environment Industry Association | ONEIA
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Start Date:
November 25, 2021
End Date:
November 25, 2021
Hiring crunch or opportunity: Trends that are shaping the labour market for environment and cleantech companies?

Learn about the impact of emerging HR trends on your business and career

Just as they begin to emerge from the uncertainty of the COVID-19 pandemic, a new challenge looms for Ontario environment and cleantech companies.  A series of trends in the labour market will reshape our sector in the next ten years, as a wave of retirements, a projected shortage of skilled professionals and a growing demand for environmental technology, products and services will place increasing demands on businesses and the people who make them succeed.  Where will the thousands of businesses in our sector find the professionals who will help them grow?  Where will the best opportunities be for career satisfaction and progress for employees?

The Ontario Environment Industry Association (ONEIA) is pleased to partner with ECO Canada on a webinar to discuss a range of trends challenging our sector, including:

  • An estimated one in three people in the current environmental workforce is expected to retire in the next ten years
  • The demand for environmental workers will impact every region and nearly every occupation
  • Post-secondary graduates are essential to reaching environmental goals across all industries - but how to find and retain them?
  • Environmental workers are often qualified to work in several different industry sectors - what does a talent management strategy look like to attract them
  • Employers will be challenged to find qualified and experienced candidates - and this will be particularly true for several critical occupations

Join us as we discuss these and other trends in an interactive online session.

Reach out to info@oneia.ca if you have any questions about the program, issues with registration or are interested in sponsoring.

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