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Municipal Information Network

Webinar: Complete Streets: Key Challenges and Lessons Learned

Transportation Association of Canada
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Start Date:
December 4, 2018
End Date:
December 4, 2018
This webinar will highlight challenges faced by complete street projects across Canada, and identify lessons learned by three practitioners.

Argyle & Grafton Shared Streetscape Project
Hanita Koblents (Halifax Regional Municipality) will present this award-winning project, which transformed the heart of Halifax’s entertainment district into a “shared streetscape” with a curbless cross-section, unit pavers across the right-of-way, special lighting, and other pedestrian priority features. This presentation will explore design, construction and operational challenges related to non-standard roadway elements and construction impact mitigation.

Main Street Renewal: Retrofitting a Complete Street
Ronald Clarke (Parsons) will discuss the planning, design and reconstruction of an arterial road through the Old Ottawa East community - a transformative investment that improved multimodal mobility, the streetscape and public realm. It features one of the first raised cycle track designs in Canada, created by reducing four vehicle travel lanes to a two-plus-one arrangement. The project successfully tackled challenges around related to right-of-way limitations, vehicle capacity reductions, cycle track designs at conflict zones, accessibility, and bus stop waiting areas.

The Art of the Trade-Off
Ryan Martinson (Stantec) will address approaches to making trade-offs when designing complete streets, drawing on his own experience of integrating technical and stakeholder inputs. He will address key considerations including the role of the network, the overall transportation system, project context, and various street functions.


Hanita Koblents, Halifax Regional Municipality
Hanita is senior planning professional with Halifax Regional Municipality. She was the construction project manager for the Argyle & Grafton project, and has worked on projects that range from community and transportation master plans, to detailed design of sites and active transportation infrastructure. 

Ronald Clarke, Parsons Inc.
Ronald Clarke is a professional transportation and urban planner, facility designer, and senior project manager specializing in context-sensitive solutions, complete streets, active transportation, community and land use planning, environmental assessments, community outreach and public consultation.

Ryan Martinson, Stantec Consulting Ltd.
Ryan is a professional engineer with extensive involvement in transportation planning and engineering projects including impact assessments, active and alternative mode assessments, transportation demand management programs, site optimization studies, and parking studies. He was a contributor to the bicycle integrated design and pedestrian integrated design chapters of the 2017 TAC Geometric Design Guide, and has applied trade-off processes to complete street projects in cities across Canada.

Additional information

EVENT: Live Webinar
DATE: Tuesday, December 4, 2018
TIME: 1:00-2:00 PM ET
COST: TAC members and students*: FREE / Non-members: $20
Students must register using an email account associated with their educational institution (e.g. name@uwaterloo.ca). Users registering with Gmail accounts (or similar) will not receive free access.

Register online at https://tac-atc.member365.com/public/event/details/2683de65c80b7d36f70c75419cb54f8da0e8181e/1 

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