June 30, 2024
Municipal Information Network

3rd Annual Intelligent Cities Summit IoT, Big Data for Municipalities

IoT Events
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Start Date:
November 5, 2018
End Date:
November 6, 2018
Intelligent Cities, also known as "smart cities" are driven by the power of internet connectivity to augment the performance and services provided by the cities. In general, nearly one million people move into cities each week. With such inflow of people, the problem arises of how to accommodate efficient facilities and services for all. North American cities are witnessing the highest levels of urbanization since World War I, with millennials continuing to rapidly move to cities, urban centers will need to create intelligent, integrated public services infrastructure to cope and to engage with young consumers.  The innovation of smart city technology will allow the delivery of apt services like reduction of traffic congestion, food distribution, sustainable economics and environmental overload.

Additional information

Why attend Intelligent Cities Summit?

  • Learn about urban governance - how private sector partnership can lead to intelligent cities

  • Listen to top city administrators and industry professionals from around the world about what it takes to establish an intelligent municipality

  • Be part of the only event of its kind addressing diverse themes from city management to infrastructure development

  • Understand how disruptive trends are changing and transforming the urban mobility and how it impacts residents

  • Hear how to enhance processes in city public services such as waste management, transportation, public libraries, data privacy etc.

  • Product Showcase - meet with key technology players and vendors showcasing their innovative solutions

  • Network with senior municipal managers from across Canada and interact with technology thought leaders


Registration for the 3rd Annual Intelligent Cities Summit 2018 - Golden Ticket  is at the following:  https://iotevents.ca/event/intelligent-cities-2018/

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