September 27, 2024
Municipal Information Network

Webinar: Speed Management

Transportation Association of Canada
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Start Date:
March 28, 2018
End Date:
March 28, 2018
This webinar will discuss the impacts of speed on road safety, methods for setting speed limits and various speed management measures, using practical examples from small municipalities in Canada. Participants will learn about technical guidelines and best practices as tools to address speed management issues. Speed is recognized as one of the main causes of road collisions, and is a major concern for residents living in both urban and rural areas. Many municipalities and provincial road authorities often receive requests for lowering speed limits and redesigning streets to improve road safety or promote active transportation. 


  • Introduction
  • Impact of speed on safety
  • The driver’s choice of speed
  • Speed and road design
  • Setting speed limits
  • Engineering measures
  • Educational measures
  • Enforcement measures
  • Example 1 - Romans Avenue in Halifax, NS
  • Example 2 - Highway 148 in Gatineau, QC
  • Example 3 - Melanson Road in Dieppe, NB
  • Questions and answers

Learning Objectives

  • Understand road safety issues in speed management
  • Use appropriate tools for setting speed limits
  • Learn about various speed management measures including traffic calming (engineering) measures
  • Improve road safety on the road network through speed management
  • Refer to best practices of speed management in small Canadian municipalities

Target Audience

  • Engineers and professionals responsible for roadway planning, design, operation, and maintenance
  • Road managers, public health officials and enforcement personnel in municipalities, provincial governments, public sector and private agencies


Paul Mackey, Director, Safestreet / Ruesécure inc.
Paul is the founder of Safestreet, a North American firm that focuses on the urban design of road networks including road safety and traffic calming. Since its inception, Safestreet has completed 185 street redesign projects in 90 municipalities on local and collector streets, arterials, rural roads, highways through small towns, main streets, school zones, and intersections to improve the safety and comfort for all road users. Paul was a member of the Transportation Association of Canada’s Project Steering Committee that produced the Urban Supplement to the Geometric Design Guide for Canadian Roads. He has been recognized as a subject matter expert in speed management, accident studies, road geometry and pedestrian and bicycle safety by the Institute of Transportation Engineers. In 2016, Paul gave a presentation at Laval University on the history of design speed concept and its impact on the character of our streets.

Additional information

EVENT: Live Webinar
DATE: Wednesday, March 28, 2018
TIME: 1:00-2:30 PM ET
Individual (1 person): $99 members / $129 non-member
Group* of up to 5 people: $395 members / $645 non-member
Group* of up to 10 people: $790 members / $1290 non-member

*A group registration fee allows multiple viewers to access the webinar via one computer login. All participants are expected to meet in the same room to hear and view the webinar (via one computer and a computer projection system). The group registration option does not permit you to have multiple logins. If your organization has multiple locations, each location will require a separate registration. The person in whose name the registration was made (the group registrant) will receive ALL correspondence related to the webinar - the link to access the webinar, the presentation materials, and the email sent after the webinar. Group registration must be made during a single transaction. We cannot retroactively group individual registrations together.

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