September 26, 2024
Municipal Information Network

AMM 19th Annual Convention

Association of Manitoba Municipalities
Brandon, Manitoba, Canada
Start Date:
November 27, 2017
End Date:
November 29, 2017
On behalf of the Association of Manitoba Municipalities Board of Directors, welcome to Brandon for the 19th Annual AMM Convention. This year's Convention theme, "Strong Municipalities, Strong Manitoba", speaks for itself. Municipalities in Manitoba have achieved a "fair say" in infrastructure spending and that is because our provincial counterparts recognize that the support of local governments is key to achieving a strong province. Here in Manitoba, that strength is borne from speaking with one voice, and at no time during the year is that voice louder than during our Annual Convention. There is no doubt that this year's Ministerial Forum will invite tough questions, resolution sessions will generate vigorous debate, and opportunities for learning will abound. But do take some time for fun, also. As busy municipal officials, your responsibilities are many and that is why Convention also provides opportunities for leisure. Soak up every moment, so that you may take back what you've learned and continue to work on building Strong Municipalities and a Strong Manitoba!

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