September 26, 2024
Municipal Information Network

Webinar: Load Management Practices for Weak Pavement Structures

Transportation Association of Canada
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Start Date:
March 9, 2017
End Date:
March 9, 2017
This webinar provides information about Canadian and international practices for managing weak pavement structures in Northern climates. Recommended best practices and an economic basis for making load management decisions on weak pavements will also be presented. Participants will learn about a decision support framework, which can be adapted to any road authority for use in making economically rational and defendable decisions with respect to restricting loads on these pavements.

Special Promotion

Webinar registrants purchasing copies of the Guide to Load Management for Weak Pavement Structures (2017) will receive a one-time, 15% discount on copies purchased in print (PTM-LMWPS-E) and e-book (PTM-LMWPS-E-EBK) formats.  A special promo code will be provided as part of the confirmation email webinar registration. Offer valid until 2017-03-31.


  • Defining low volume roads (LVR)
  • Defining weak pavement structures
  • Spring weight restrictions 
  • Winter weight premiums
  • Response of weak pavement structures to axle loads
  • Load management practices (year round)
  • Economic aspects specific to LVRs
  • Decision support framework
  • Questions and answers

Learning Objectives

  • Identify a weak pavement structure
  • Determine whether or not weight restrictions should be applied and by how much
  • Determine when to apply and remove spring weight restrictions and when restrictions are required year round

Target Audience

  • Agencies responsible for the maintenance and rehabilitation of rural resource or agricultural roads
  • Pavement management specialists
  • Agencies responsible for the timing of the application and removal of spring thaw weight restrictions
  • Intended for all levels of technical expertise


Gary St. Michel, P.Eng., Principal, Pavement Asset Management, Tetra Tech
Gary has extensive experience in project management, asset management, roadway pavement management studies, municipal engineering, design and construction. He specializes in infrastructure preservation planning, infrastructure management and transportation-related infrastructure rehabilitation consulting.  With over 25 years of experience in all aspects of transportation engineering, Gary provides expertise in specialized engineering consulting in the preservation of existing infrastructure through the use of innovative rehabilitation technologies, long-range planning and advanced life-cycle benefit/cost analysis methods and information/asset management systems. An internationally recognized expert in the development and implementation of asset management systems, he is the technical lead for Tetra Tech’s Vancouver based asset management group.

Additional information


DATE: Thursday, March 9, 2017
TIME: 1:00-2:00 PM ET
Individual (1 person): $129 members / $159 non-member
Group* of up to 5 people: $545 members / $795 non-member
Group* of up to 10 people: $1090 members / $1590 non-member


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