September 26, 2024
Municipal Information Network

Register Now for Introductory Course in Community Energy Management

Online Courses - Community Energy Association
Online, British Columbia, Canada
Start Date:
Aug 11, 2017
End Date:
September 11, 2017
Register NOW for BCIT & CEA five-week online courses in community energy management. The online, cross-Canada introductory course is scheduled to run again in Fall 2017. Register before end of day September 10. (Note that online lectures are recorded and can be viewed in your own time zone.)

CESA 5110 – Introduction to Community Energy & Emissions Planning 

This course describes the purpose, components and objectives of a community energy and emissions plan (CEEP) and the reasons communities create them. After completing the course, students will be able to initiate, prepare and implement a community energy plan. Course materials differentiate between community energy planning and corporate energy planning and describe the essential elements of energy and emissions plans. Students will be able to navigate the process of creating and implementing a plan, identify funding sources and strategies and manage project consultants. Students will be able to design a CEEP that can be successfully implemented.

Additional information

BCIT and the Community Energy Association have partnered to develop a new series of courses in the emerging field of community energy management. Community energy management spans the traditional silos of current and long range planning, policy, operations, engineering, transportation, finance, and others. Community Energy Management education will provide the knowledge and resources you need to manage the art and science of saving energy, emissions, and money across the community. This inter-disciplinary sequence of six on-line courses provides a unique opportunity to refresh disciplines that you are already familiar with by viewing them through an energy lens while introducing new tools and concepts.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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