September 26, 2024
Municipal Information Network

Strategic Leadership - Elevating your Leadership Style & Impact On Others

Ontario Municipal Leadership Institute (OMLI)
WEBINAR: 12pm - 1pm (EST), Ontario, Canada
Start Date:
January 14, 2016
End Date:
January 14, 2016
In this webinar we explore various leadership styles and the different approaches to leading from a strategic level as well as how leadership styles impacts others. We talk about the importance of corporate vision, mission and core values and how engagement through strategic leadership plays an integral role in continual growth, and success as you work towards advancing the best interests of your organization. We address “Talking the Talk” as well as providing tools and tips on how to have strategic conversations and how not to get pulled into the weeds.

Additional information

Introducing "8", one hour bi-weekly leadership “Lunch'n Learn” Webinars for individuals as well as team building collaboration & training  *Registrants receive materials, bi-weekly assignments & in-session coaching 

If you're not able to attend any of these sessions, don't worry, they're recorded - so we're happy to send you the link in order to obtain your leadership certificate!

LEADERSHIP WEBINAR SERIES DATES: *Jan. 14, 28 * Feb. 11, 25 * Mar. 10, 24 * April 7, 21    12pm - 1pm (EST