September 26, 2024
Municipal Information Network

Webinar: Leading a Multi-Generational Workforce

Ontario Municipal Leadership Institute (OMLI)
WEBINAR (EST) 12pm-1pm, Ontario, Canada
Start Date:
December 1, 2015
End Date:
December 1, 2015
WEEK 5. - Leading a Multi-Generational Workforce

In this webinar we discuss the key attributes of a multi-generational workforce from the “Traditionalists (born in 1922) - to the Millennials”, (known as Gen Y). We discuss unique work styles of multi-generations in working with others, and how to engage, harness and leverage the collective potential of diversity in the workplace.

Additional information

This webinar is part of 8 Bi-weekly webinars to develop your leadership skills

DATES: Oct. 6 & 20, Nov. 3 & 17, Dec. 1 & 15, Jan. 5 & 19 

Introducing "8", one hour bi-weekly leadership “Lunch'n Learn” Webinars for individuals as well as team building collaboration & training 

Social Leadership Webinar Conferencing & Networking: Convenient, Effective, Affordable, Engaging & Highly Interactive 

*Registrants receive materials, bi-weekly assignments & in-session coaching 

If you're not able to attend any of these sessions, don't worry, they're recorded - so we're happy to send you the link in order to obtain your leadership certificate!