September 26, 2024
Municipal Information Network

Webinar: Managing Personality Dynamics

Ontario Municipal Leadership Institute (OMLI)
WEBINAR (EST) 12pm-1pm, Ontario, Canada
Start Date:
November 17, 2015
End Date:
November 17, 2015
WEEK 4. - Managing Personality Dynamics

In this webinar you will better understand and recognize different personalities; why people behave the way they do and how to work with all types of people. You will gain insight into how some common personalities may behave in stressful or challenging situations and how best to respond to: innate behaviours, learned behaviours, as well as cultural attributes. We also talk about how developing specific skills to heighten your emotional intelligence as a productive way to manage specific personalities and behaviours.

Additional information

This webinar is part of 8 Bi-weekly webinars to develop your leadership skills

DATES: Oct. 6 & 20, Nov. 3 & 17, Dec. 1 & 15, Jan. 5 & 19 

Introducing "8", one hour bi-weekly leadership “Lunch'n Learn” Webinars for individuals as well as team building collaboration & training 

Social Leadership Webinar Conferencing & Networking: Convenient, Effective, Affordable, Engaging & Highly Interactive 

*Registrants receive materials, bi-weekly assignments & in-session coaching 

If you're not able to attend any of these sessions, don't worry, they're recorded - so we're happy to send you the link in order to obtain your leadership certificate!