September 19, 2024
Municipal Information Network

Webinar: Promoting Safety for Vulnerable Road Users

Transportation Association of Canada
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Start Date:
March 29, 2017
End Date:
March 29, 2017
This webinar will provide an overview of pedestrian and cycling safety issues, best practices, and mitigation measures to make streets safer for vulnerable road users. Communities across Canada and around the world are increasingly recognizing the need to reduce transportation-related injuries and fatalities.  As vulnerable road users, pedestrians and cyclists are far more likely to be killed or seriously injured if they are involved in a collision.


  • Introduction
  • Pedestrian and cycling safety
  • Key safety issues
  • Best practices and mitigation measures
  • Questions and discussion

Learning Objectives

  • Identify the unique needs and issues of pedestrians and cyclists
  • Recognize key safety issues for vulnerable road users
  • Understand best practices to improve pedestrian and cycling safety, through a range of engineering, education and enforcement measures

Target Audience

Transportation planners and engineers working on multi-modal transportation planning and design projects and road safety studies.


Brian Patterson, Senior Transportation Planner, Urban Systems
Brian has over 12 years of expertise in strategic, multi-modal transportation planning and active transportation planning and design.  He is a nationally recognized expert on active transportation and leads Urban Systems active transportation practice across Canada. Brian has worked on a wide range of studies focusing on improving safety for vulnerable road users, including Pedestrian and Cycling Safety Studies for the City of Vancouver, and an In-Service Road Safety Review of the City of Calgary’s Centre City Cycle Track Network Pilot Project.  

Additional information

EVENT: Live Webinar
DATE: Wednesday, March 29, 2017
TIME: 1:00-2:00 PM ET
COST: Individual (1 person): $99 members / $129 non-member
Group* of up to 5 people: $395 members / $645 non-member
Group* of up to 10 people: $790 members / $1290 non-member

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