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Municipal Information Network
March 13, 2013

To: [[Courriel]]
Vision 2020 - Fredericton Aims to Become Atlantic Canada's Start Up Capital
March 13, 2013 - Vision 2020 Sets Fredericton's Economic Development Path Toward Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Commercialization With the release of the Vision 2020 economic development strategy, the City of. . . MORE »
Appointments | Retirements | Elections | Achievements | People
Employee Relations | Agreements | Bargaining
Social Media | Communication | Web | Technology | Innovation
Financial | Budgets | Taxes
Economy | Investments
Infrastructure | Roads | Bridges | Traffic |
Health | Food | Animals
Family | Seniors | Community | Housing
Parks | Recreation | Sports | Arena
Transit | Cycling | Pedestrians
Police | Fire Department | Emergency
Culture | Heritage - Library

Dog Poop Waste Disposal | Biodegradable • Pick-up bags • Dispensers • Waste bin combinations | Made in Canada
Job Board
Director of Planning and Development
Director of Corporate Services
Planning Officer
Director of Infrastructure Services & Planning
Information Clerk
British Columbia
Show All (93)
TERREWALKS® The sidewalks of the future | 100% recycled, reduced heat island effect, storm water management, contributes to LEED®
Municipal File
North West Territories Good Governance Conference
Stepping out of my hotel lobby at 4:45am heading to the airport, the crisp Arctic air is certainly. . .more »
Utility Infrastructure Solutions | Water, Wastewater and Energy
Alberta Association of Municipal Districts & Counties spring convention
Date: 18 March 2013 au 20 March 2013
Grow Greenstone Expo
Date: 25 March 2013 au 26 March 2013
Complimentary 1-hour webinar: Masters Certificate in Municipal Leadership
Date: 22 April 2013 au 22 April 2013
Alberta Sustainable Building Symposium
Date: 7 May 2013 au 7 May 2013
Town-Gown Association of Ontario Annual Symposium
Date: 12 May 2013 au 14 May 2013
Show All (15)
Concrete buildings can use over a third less energy for heating and cooling. Visit cement.ca | Concrete, even smarter than you think

Municipal (french)
Élections municipales 2013 - Dépôt d'un projet de loi sur le financement politique municipal
Le ministre des Affaires municipales, des Régions et de l'Occupation du territoire et ministre des. . .

Education (french)
Mémoire de la FCSQ concernant le projet de loi no 14 - Loi modifiant la Charte de la langue française, la Charte des droits et libertés de la personne et d'autres dispositions législatives
Une occasion de corriger certaines iniquités en matière de francisation
La Fédération des commissions scolaires du Québec (FCSQ) a adopté un mémoire concernant le. . .

Health (french)
L'Institut Rick Hansen et l'AMC unissent leurs efforts pour aider les patients atteints de LM
Une collaboration entre l'Association médicale canadienne (AMC), l'Institut Rick Hansen (IRH) et. . .

When in doubt, sit them out - McMaster University centre issues guidelines for care of children with concussions
‘When in doubt, sit them out’ should be the new catchphrase for parents and coaches of children. . .


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